Dear friends,
First of all I would like thank everyone who have paid there subscription amount for the year. Bani was very happy that so many of you have cleared your dues, which does empower ASLI. Now we have some funds and we need to figure out what we can do next. Mr. Babu Joseph has some ideas which opened a thought for all of us to come together and have an ideation session on how we see ASLI helping all its member over the coming months.
I am also really excited about the video which ASLI has created and the passion which all of us have was visible in the video. I think senior care as an industry should continue to grow and our solidarity will make a much larger difference. During these times I reached to some of you and the kind of help I received was unbelievable, thank you. I would like to thank Bani, Mansoor Bhai and Mr. Philip for the video. Awesome job.
We also got Rajgopal working with so many members on our representation to the ministry. These representation will keep giving ASLI an important voice in the government. As a strategy we will be asking less from the government at this time and giving better quality advise for the social good, this will give us a better standing with the government. Slowly and steadily we should have a bigger say in policy matters.
I would also like to official welcome Amit Vaidya from Golden Estate and Rajit Mehta from Antara on the board. Their addition on the board will add a lot to the future of ASLI and I am personally glad to have them as a part of the team.
Bani will reach out to all of you for a meeting to come together and get ideas on the way forward for ASLI. Hope to see you all and get out of box ideas.
Always keep smiling 😊