Monthly Letter January 2021

Dear friends,

Happy New year! I am sure with the vaccine being approved in India and many parts of the world we are looking forward to the year 2021. However in the last year with all the challenges I think we as senior care providers saw a large opportunity to help those seniors in need through our various products and services and I am proud of the fact that this group of entrepreneurs have a big heart. I am sure we will be businesses who exist to help the society at large and making money is an outcome of our good work.

As given an update, I had a good meeting with the STP of Haryana on senior living and now trying to meet the Director General. Even in Rajasthan there is conversation about adopting the senior living policy and we are in talks to make a difference there also. The core group continues to work hard on the exhibition from 22-24th January and some major milestones

  1. We have got 2250+ enquiries for the event and growing – trying to hit 4000+ enquiries.
  2. We have hired tele callers to have discussion with these enquiries and convince them to come for the virtual stall on the exhibition days
  3. Mr. Satya Adari helped us in getting ASLI website in action.
  4. We also started getting registry from the B2B event scheduled for 22nd of January.

I would request all ASLI members to register for the B2B event one participant per company is free. Please send the representative’s details to Bani for sending you the link. I would also request you to get others in the company to attend. Secondly to make the event a success I would request all of you to participate in the exhibition. We have come up with phenomenal pricing. Remember the success of the industry is the size of

the industry and all of you must participate. If you have any concerns please reach out to Bani or Moni.

I hope to see you all on the 22-24th and hope to get learn from each other.

Always keep smiling 
